Religious preachers of Kazakhstan use social media actively to expand their audience. (more…)
Tengrism is called by the media either as a religion or the philosophy of nomads. The number of Tengrian gods is also a ‘variable component’, which changes from article to article. Who are modern Tengrians, what they believe in, and how they differ from their steppe ancestry is explained in the material of CABAR.asia.
In Kazakhstan, those convicted for “religion-related” offences under the Criminal Code have little chances to be released early and even after their release they continue to incur out-of-court punishments. (more…)
Kazakhstan has a paradoxical situation: citizens are punished for dissemination of religious non-extremist materials. One can even get fined for selling Quran or the New Testament on classifieds sites or for publishing an interview with the clergy. (more…)
A lamb sacrificed in memory of those who died during the January events lies in front of President Tokayev wearing a business suit. Imam sits near the president, and officials sit behind them. This photo is probably the most accurate portrayal of what happens to secularism in Kazakhstan. The authorities demonstrate their piousness, at the same time speaking continuously about the secularism of the state and maintaining strict control over the religious sphere. Does the situation need to be changed? (more…)
The percentage of Muslims and Christians in Kazakhstan declines, according to the comparison of two national census of 2009 and 2021. 13 years ago, 70.2 per cent of census participants declared their Islamic identity, and only 69.3 per cent a year ago. (more…)
In Kazakhstan, a group of parents of pupils practising Islam demand that the authorities stop prohibiting wearing headscarf to girls in schools. This year, the activists suggested a compromise – to allow girls wear white hoods instead of headscarfs.
A women’s headscarf is not just a beautiful accessory or a religious garment. In the old days, white headscarf used to mean the end of wars and conflicts for some nations. Today its meaning goes far beyond religions or national traditions.
3738 religious associations are registered in Kazakhstan. Despite the differences, representatives of different faiths coexist peacefully and celebrate the holidays together, not divided by faith.
Kazakhstan female entrepreneurs shape the base of economy and national welfare. According to the head of the National Commission for Women’s Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy, Elena Tarasenko, their contribution to the national GDP is almost 40 per cent.
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