Why there is a Bias Against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kazakhstan and How They Overcome It

Jehovah’s Witnesses admit they feel social stigma. CABAR.asia learns about the reasons for stigma and how the Christian organisation tries to change the attitude towards it in the society. (more…)


Why there is a Bias Against Jehovah’s Witnesses in Kazakhstan and How They Overcome It

Jehovah’s Witnesses admit they feel social stigma. CABAR.asia learns about the reasons for stigma and how the Christian organisation tries to change the attitude towards it in the society. (more…)


Aigerim Temirbaeva on What Happens to Sufism in Kazakhstan

The town of Turkestan in Kazakhstan has become a spot of attraction of Muslims due to philosopher, preacher and Sufi poet Khoja Yasawi. A mausoleum has been built over the tomb of this saint by order of Amir Timur. It is still the place of worship for Muslims not only from Kazakhstan, but also from all over the world. (more…)

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Experts on Religion

Director of public union “Counter terrorism committee”

Gulnaz Isaeva

Expert-religious scholar, head of analyst department of the State Committee on Religious Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic

Zailabidin Azhimamatov

Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Humanities, Osh

Zakir Chotaev

Deputy Director of the State Commission for Religious Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic

Indira Aslanova

Expert on religious studies

Kadyr Malikov

Religion expert, public activist

Mahrambek Anvarzoda

Researcher at the Centre for Islamic Studies under the President of Tajikistan

Mirkhat Madiyarov

Head of public union “Counter terrorism committee”

Kurbanova Nazira

Kyrgyz State University after I. Arabaev, Institute of History, Social and Legal Education, Director

Negmatullo Mirsaidov

Journalist reporting on international developments, expert on political, economic and social issues

Rasim Chelidze

Theologian, Kazakhstan

Rustam Azizi

Deputy Director of the Center for Islamic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Saidakhmat Kalamdarov

Independent Expert on Interfaith Conflict, Tajikistan

Emil Nasritdinov

Professor, Department of Anthropology, American University of Central Asia

Yulia Denisenko

Expert on countering extremism and terrorism, Kazakhstan

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